Could I please ask that if you change any account information on the website, such as address or gift aid eligibility, that you also email me at with the details. I am not aware of these changes at the moment & I don't want to send your magazine to the wrong address. Hopefully this problem will be rectified soon.
Also, here is the information about renewing online in case you have missed it on the back of your renewal forms.
Just go to the website & click on ‘join us’.
It may look as though you are joining as a new member but when you enter your details, there will be a box to put your membership number in which says ‘Legacy Membership ID’. Please make sure you do this so I know it is a renewal.
You will then have the choice to automatically renew every year & I will issue you with a card to keep until the membership is cancelled. This will be sent out with your next Deadline magazine.
Please be aware that the plan will run from the date you set it up, regardless of any previous expiry date.
Many thanks,
Hi, I tried to renew my membership online a few days ago but the ‘page’ was down, so I had to send a cheque instead.
Alastair Ward